Vendel N has high hardness and stiffness, with very good mechanical properties. It has excellent creep resistance and dimensional stability, which makes it ideal for machining of precision parts. The co-efficient of friction is low, and the dielectric properties are excellent. It has very good stick/ slip properties. The acetal copolymer is the ideal combination of strength, stiffness and wear resistance. It absorbs very little moisture, is easily machinable and is genuinely porosityfree, making it the preferred grade for food contact and medical applications. The product exhibits an elevated resistance to hydrolysis. Dimensional stability makes acetal extremely good for use with press fitted metallic bearings.
Material Properties
The acetal copolymer is the ideal combination of strength, stiffness and wear resistance. It absorbs very little moisture, is easily machinable and is genuinely porosity-free, making it the preferred grade for food contact and medical applications. The product exhibits an elevated resistance to hydrolysis. Dimensional stability makes acetal extremely good for use with press fitted metallic bearings.
Precision gears
Electrical engineering insulators
Parts which operate in water up to 90°C
High speed wheels and rollers where high dimensional stability is needed to avoid flat spots
Bearings with close tolerances
Snap fit assemblies
Low water absorption parts

Key Features & Benefits
High mechanical strength
Excellent machinability
Very low stick-slip
Physiologically inert
Continuous use at a temperature of 115°C
Low moisture absorption
Dimensional stability
Good creep resistance
Shapes Available


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